Welcome Jake Payne, Crystal River Ranch caretaker. He brings many years of maintenance, landscaping, and management experience to this position. They are settled into the Ranch House and now call CRR home. Curt Simonson, CRR President
Duty Examples of Crystal River Ranch Caretaker
The caretaker will be on site five days per week. The days off will be coordinated with the President or a designated representative.
- Water System:
- Maintain a Washington State Water Manager I level license.
- Operate and maintain water system in accordance with Washington State and Pierce County regulations.
- Obtain Board approval for repairs beyond Petty Cash authority and/or emergency fund of $500.00.
- Maintain auxiliary pump and generator for water system.
- Check and blow-down standpipes twice a year.
- Help compile and maintain a set of operating procedures for the CRR water system.
- Maintenance – Buildings and Equipment:
- Keep Recreation Room and Common Areas in a neat and clean condition.
- Collect trash and litter from Common Areas, and empty cans into central trash receptacle.
- Perform an on-site inspection of all buildings once a month.
- Do routine repair and maintenance work to buildings and equipment (stables, picnic areas, trails and ranch vehicles).
- Coordinate major repair work requiring outside assistance with Board of Directors.
- Maintain picnic areas, lawns, trails, ditches, etc.
- Remove, cut up and haul away any fallen or dangerous trees in road right of way and common areas.
- Coordinate snow removal operations on roads and common areas with Pierce County and local snow removal contractors.
- Check in new horses, collecting necessary paperwork and fees; check out horses leaving the facility, insuring that stalls are left in good condition.
- Community Interface:
- Provide assistance to lot owners within Ranch area, including resolving situations such as protection of property and elimination of unsafe conditions.
- Attend all Association Board meetings and Commission meetings and provide the Board with a status report.
- Maintain a daily record in a monthly journal that tracks time spent on various duties.
- Submit the record monthly to the President.
- Perform any and all other tasks as the Board shall reasonably request from time to time.
- Specific direction shall come from the President.
- Security:
- Using ranch vehicles, drive through entire network of Ranch, including cul-de-sacs, a minimum of once per day (more often on weekends) checking to see that everything is in order. ENSURE SCHEDULE IS RANDOM TO PREVENT ADVANCE KNOWLEDGE OF ROUNDS.
- Physically perform “walk around” inspections of each non-permanent residence a minimum of once a week.
- Notify lot owner and authorities of vandalism or any malefaction.
- Keep record of incidents in daily journal.
- Immediately report to the appropriate authorities all observed violations of county laws and CRR covenants.
- Make a reasonable attempt to resolve minor violations in a courteous manner before reporting them to authorities.
- In the event of fire or medical emergency call 911.
- Administration:
- Refer all correspondence pertaining to CRR business activities to the Association President, Secretary or Treasurer.
- Maintain record of money received and turn same over to Treasurer monthly (i.e., stable fees, coin boxes, copies).
- Assist with yearly assessment billings under the direction of the Treasurer.